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Members! Check out Canopy Services' Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which offers free and confidential support for you and your eligible family members. Services include counseling, coaching, caregiving resources, and more. Click the link below for more information!
To better the lives of each and every member by being the strongest most powerful voice in the industries we represent
One Union Our strength is forged through unity by every member within our union working together, regardless of our individual trades, throughout North America. We stand united as one, transcending individual differences and creating collective power.
One Family We stand together as one. We support, care for, and respect each other in our Union halls, on and off the job, each and every day. We leave no members behind.
One Fight We fight together for stronger contracts - that means safer job sites, industry leading pay, and democracy at work. When we win stronger collective bargaining agreements for IUPAT members we win higher standards of living for every worker in our crafts.